The very sought-after hypoallergenic Bengal cat breed can be especially popular among allergy prone pet owners. The allergic reaction most people associate with cats doesn’t come from their hair, as is often assumed, but rather from their dander. Dander is a combination of dried skin and saliva, which when floating around in a living room, can produce the sneezing and watery-eyes we associate with cat allergies.
I’ve always been fascinated by the Bengal Cat, large in part because:
A: They look awesome.
B. Bengal cats are hypoallergenic, meaning they are less likely than other cats to produce an allergic reaction.
The hypoallergenic Bengal Cat king himself:
What makes Bengal cats hypoallergenic?
So why are Bengal cats hypoallergenic and why do they produce less dander than other breeds? Theories vary, although no concrete scientific studies have ever been conducted (Perhaps this will be Splendid Beast’s next venture). Some believe it is because of the Bengal cat’s short coat, which requires less maintenance than longer-haired felines. Others believe it is because the Bengal sheds less than other cats, which keeps dander from spreading throughout the house. Maybe it has something to do with their wild ancestry – Bengal cats are the result of cross-breeding domestic felines with the Asian Leopard cat, which gives them their trademark spots.
Need more info?
For more information on Hypoallergenic cat breeds and allergies, check out this link from Petfinder. The Bengal is definitely not the only choice when it comes to hypoallergenic cats. In fact, there are quite a few choices of breeds!
You can also check us out here at Splendid Beast to commission a hand-made painting of your furry feline friend. We’ve created portraits of everything from cats to dogs, rabbits, hamsters, horses, and much more. Best part is – no dander allergies to worry about!
Question for Begal Cat owners
I really love cats put I am allergic to their dander, do any of you Begal cat owners have any experience with them being around any who has cat allergies and if they reacted to your cat?
Thanks god I’m not an allergic person. We have 5 Bengal cats at home! all of them are silver color.
wow ! This is a amazing looking cat, would love having one !
Lovely cat! Even it’s a Bengal cat, a pet hair vacuum is a “must”.